

3 Mar

Rovi Alvarez 9A-4

Santol Tree (Sandoricum Koetjape)

The Santol Tree’s nutrients are absorbed through its leaves and roots. The leaves are quite large and leathery, this ensures the absorption of light. Though the roots are rather small and thin, they are plentiful, keeping the tree sturdy while still being able to gather the nutrients and water from the soil.
The Santol Tree’s trunk and branches are very hefty and strong, even when hollow. They would make fine wood for furniture and building use.
Unlike most trees, the Santol Tree can grow in both dry and moist soil to absorb water and minerals, open air space for easier oxygen and carbon dioxide gathering, and sunlight.
The Santol Tree is reproduced by seeds, air-layering, inarching, or by budding onto self rootstocks

Red Tabebuia (Radermachera coriacea)

The Red Tabebuia’s leaves are petite but gather enough sunlight for photosynthesis. Its roots are thin but are firm, being able to gather enough nutrients.
The Red Tabebuia’s trunk has an average stature but is able to sustain burns without coming up with a lot of ash. It could be used as firewood and its flowers make great decorations.
The Red Tabebuia’s requires moist soil for water and minerals. It is recomended that it is planted on airy planes for easier respiration.
The Red Tabebuia is propagated by seeds and semi-hardwood cuttings

Philippine Indigenous Plants

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